This is one of my least favorite stories in the Bible, especially having a daughter myself. Jephthah's irrational promise to God is going to take his daughter's life. This just goes to prove, that even the best of us have the propensity to be serious "flakes" at times. Here is a man whom "the Spirit of the Lord" is upon. Here is a man whom God is using, a man who goes out and accomplishes a great conquest for God and for Israel, but when he comes home, Jephthah must deal with a very ugly situation, that has stemmed from his, and his only's, incredible, stupid and irrational promise he has made to God. As if he had to make this promise to God in order to gain this victory. This is a horrible story about a poor young girl, who's life is going to be cut short because of a Father who is just "a flake". The lives of many children have been subjected to "the whims" of flaky parents and I'm talking about Christian parents. Our