Wow! If only we could all have the liberty to speak in contradictions and nobody challenge us on them. "Do you love me babe?"  "babe, you know how it is, I love you, but I don't".  Who's going to hit the Altar, to get married with that kind of statement. I am a Christian, I have to believe, it's "supposed" to be part of my genetic make up. Do you believe!? "ughhhh....of course, c'mon, are you serious, how could you ask me that, especially in front of all these people!" Jesus asks if " He will find Faith" in the earth in the last days. I know lots of Christians that have Christian attributes and cliches that the live by, but I don't know to many that are "walking on water". They are believing God    For a good year, they are believing God for Health and for steadied employment in rough times, but who is really believing God for "the impossible?" Jesus told his disciples that He was training in Faith..."I want you to go out from city to city, preaching the Gospel and I don't want you to take any sacks of provision, not even an extra pair of sandals. And as far as where you will stay, I will provide that for you when you get to where you're going, now GO, in FAITH! Most of us would say and have said, "this is a preposterous way to live". Think of it, what are you really believing God for right now that is "impossible"?  Not only are few believing God for the impossible but even less actually receive that miracle, because "they believe, but they don't believe". I was in a bible study some time back and we were talking all sorts of spiritual talk, faith and Christianeese lingo and stuff; and then I asked, who here in the past months has believed God for a genuine miracle and received it? Well, that's when it got quiet. The truth is, while many Christians are going around living nice lives, few are stepping out and believing God for a miracle and for the few that do step out to believe God for a miracle, even fewer stay the course and actually receive that miracle. Few sign up to join the Navy Seals and of the few that sign up even fewer have the resolve to see it through to the end, even if they die trying.  Faith works in the same arena. Few sign up for a journey of Faith and for the few that sign up there will be even fewer that don't run to "The Bell" to ring it for their salvation. I have had many want to join me on this journey of Faith and some traveled quite a distance with me, but eventually they rang the bell and they were rescued, only problem, not by God. With the Navy Seals, at least you have the comfort of knowing you tried. But we are not "trying" God. For those of us who say we are Christians, God is everything for us, "for in him and through him we have our being" and the only right answer is not " I tried to walk by faith, but yeah, I gave in eventually", but rather " I walked by faith and would not ring the bell, and every time God has come through and I have not died yet, have not lacked and have not gone hungry". I know that " if He wills is not a question" He does will!  I also know He has the power!  Everything is line up perfectly for the miracle, not just once, but an on going miracle and the only ingredient that's missing is me and my Faith.


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