Today the mantra is "Tolerance". This mantra is being shoved down the throats of the Church. You must have tolerance.  Well, that could mean a lot of things, couldn't it?!  We need to be tolerant of sinners, we are, we understand we are all sinner's saved by the Grace of God.  It could mean we must be tolerant of each other; we are, so it can't mean that.  We must be tolerant of people who have different opinions, we are; so it can't possibly mean that.  We must be tolerant of people with attitudes, people who are unfaithful and uncommitted; we are, so it can't mean that. We must be tolerant of Catholics who come in with weird notions of worshiping Saints & The Virgin Mary; we are tolerant of that, so it can't possibly mean that. We must be tolerant of young Christians that are constantly falling and stumbling into sin; we are, so it can't possibly mean that. So when "tolerance" is being pushed upon the church and we are being accused of not being tolerant, I don't know what they're talking about? Or do it that it's not tolerance that is being pushed upon the church, but rather, it is a tolerance for a specific sin? And what could that sin possibly be?
      Hmmmm.....could it be "tolerance for sexual immorality?".  And to that we say, NO! No we will not be tolerant to sexual immorality, sorry!  Paul admonishes the Church at Ephesus on true Christian living and Paul emphasizes that "there must not be a hint of sexual immorality among you".
That sounds to me like "zero tolerance".  Paul goes on to write, "or any kind of impurity". The Hallmark of The Church is "Morality". Christianity brought morality to and immoral religious culture. Christianity did not bring religion to the culture; Europe/Asia/Middle East, was already permeated with Religion. What Christianity brought was morality to an immoral Culture. And if we take away "the morality of the church" we take away it's soul. We leave the church to be just and empty shell. This is why the great assault in these last days, for the church to drop its stance on morality is because the enemy knows it is the heart and soul of the church. Morality must be the last battlefield that the Church dies on, before Christ comes back. We can't and should not fight every social and moral evil in the world, but this is one battle that the Church has to say, "we will fight to our death".  And this is what the Secular World is threatening, "the death of The Church" as we know it, if we don't fight back. They will shut us down in our pulpits, they will legislate what comes from behind the pulpits as "hate speech". They are threatening to fight and bring us down and to this I say, bring it on! This is a fight we will not back down from. We have our marching orders from Christ, as all scripture is God breathed and the call of the church is, "not a hint of sexual immorality among you".  Whether that's heterosexual or homosexual is irrelevant, the fight is not against "Homosexuality", the fight is against "immorality" in itself.. The Church must be the moral light of the world, it is the heart and soul of The Church of Jesus Christ.


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