You would think, that by reading Paul's writing today, that he was the worse Christian. The type of Christian you sure don't want in any kind of leadership position in your church. You wouldn't want Paul in any ministry where he is supposed to be an example to anybody else. "And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is , in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can't.  Let's just stop right there! What do you mean you want to do what's right but you can't?! What is that Paul? You're an example here to all these converts you have won over. Paul goes on to write, "I want to do what is good, but I don't".  Paul, you're the one that has started all these churches, you're the one who wrote, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and now you're sitting here saying, "you can't do good". Paul continues in his writing, "I don't' want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway".  Well, Paul, I don't know what you're going through, we will pray for you, but you definitely need to be removed from ministry, from leadership, maybe you need some time off, maybe you need a sabbatical, but you're not fit for ministry or leadership at this time. This scripture has been the license to sin for more Christians than we'll ever be able to count. The mantra will go something like this, "hey, if Paul said the bad things he didn't want to do, he did and I sure am not Paul, so....". Was Paul a lousy Christian? Is Paul the consummate example for every Christian that just wants to give in to temptation and excuse it away as, "hey, I'm just weak like Paul". The question is, was Paul as weak as he humbly describes himself to be? Paul also wrote, "in my weakness I am made strong, through Christ who strengthens me". Paul wrote three quarters of the New Testament. Paul went successfully on 3 missionary journeys and pioneered most of Asia. If Paul never did "the things he wanted to do" then he would never have accomplished all that he did. As a matter of a fact, Paul also writes, that he has labored more than all the other disciples. I would say, for every Christian that wants to use Paul as an example to justify their fleshly indulgences, they should read the rest of his epistles. The truth is, and facts are, that Paul was the strongest Christian that ever lived. I believe the reason he was the strongest Christian that ever lived is because Paul thought he was so weak. Whether Paul was right or not, in his estimation of himself is irrelevant, the point is, Paul's humble stance drove him to his knees praying daily for strength, to do what he should and not give in to his fleshly desires. Paul's admittance of his weakness and "no good within me" is what ironically enabled him to overcome great odds and be the most productive Apostle that ever lived. So if you want to use Paul as your example of weakness, then follow Paul's other example by praying incessantly for God's Grace and Strength, to cause you to be an overcomer and begin quoting some of Paul's other writings, ie: "I can do ALL THINGS through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me".


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